Seeing the Big Apple

We took full advantage of Labor Day weekend last weekend by going to NYC to visit Aunt Ellie.  Uncle Dedo and Aunt Holly were in Paris, so we got to stay at Chateau de Dedo.  It was really bittersweet because it meant we had a very nice place to stay, but it also meant I didn’t get to hang out with Uncle Dedo or Aunt Holly.  Uncle Wade also came up to satisfy his appetite for New York goodies, i.e. food.

I took full advantage of Uncle Dedo’s place by first getting comfy in his bed.  Hope you don’t mind my naked butt all over your comforter!

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I also got to take a bath in Uncle Dedo’s marble tub. 

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I even managed to walk across Uncle Dedo’s living room window sill.  Even though there was backlighting, Mommy liked the silhouette of me.

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Mommy never noticed that there was a pretty big playground next to Uncle Dedo’s apartment building, equipped with a huge sandpit.  Since I didn’t get to go to the beach to experience sand in its natural environment, Mommy used this opportunity to let me feel sand with my bare feet.  Well, I can honestly say that I don’t like the feel of sand, just like I don’t like the feel of grass.  Maybe one day, it will grow on me, but now, I’d like to keep my shoes on, please!

While I was at the playground, I met a friend who played ball with me.

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I even rode the subway for the first time at the Rector Street station!  Heck, I haven’t even gone on the DC Metro yet and I’ve already been on the NYC subway.

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Now begins the fun…starting with a visit to the Guggenheim Museum.  GongGong and PoPo have never gone and since Uncle Dedo can get us free passes there, we made a trip to Fifth Avenue to see it.

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Next, we went to Momofuku’s Ssam Bar to have lunch.  GongGong, PoPo and Daddy really wanted to see what makes their pork belly sandwich so famous.  The food really was pretty tasty.  Surprisingly, this restaurant was kid-friendly and they happened to seat us next to a huge floor-to-ceiling window so that I could be entertained.

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Of course we couldn’t go to NYC without a trip to FAO Schwartz.  Of course I had no idea what this place would mean to me in the future, but I had a glimpse of two icons at FAO: 1.  Patrick the Pup and 2. The big piano.

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Aunt Ellie actually took care of me for the first time by herself this first evening in NYC so GongGong, PoPo, Mommy and Daddy could enjoy a nice dinner.  Aunt Ellie had me sleeping by 7:50 PM (my normal bedtime at home is around 8:30 PM).  Just so you know, I tried to be good to her so she doesn’t think I’m a pain in the butt and so maybe she’d offer to do this for us next time we’re in NYC.  Thanks for taking care of me, Aunt Ellie!

On Day 2 of the trip, we ventured to Brooklyn to eat the famous pizza at Grimaldi’s in part because GongGong really loves pizza (and Coke to go with the pizza).  Uncle Wade and Aunt Ellie have been there dozens of times, but for the rest of us, it was the first time.  Mommy placed herself second in line to eat at Grimaldi’s at about 30 minutes prior to opening time.  We were guaranteed first seating for their famous pizza.

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The line goes all the way down the block.

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Finally…the pizza!

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It was pretty darn good pizza, but probably not worth a 2-3 hour wait if we did not get in on the first seating.  Believe it or not, I slept during their entire lunch.  It was surprising considering that the music was blasting in the restaurant. 

Nearby Brooklyn Park with views of the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Bridge was really lovely on a 70-degree, blue-sky day.

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Here are some GQ poses Daddy likes to take:

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Afterwards, Daddy had the brilliant idea of walking across the Brooklyn Bridge.

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I (heart) NY!  Big hugs to Aunt Ellie for showing us around and for giving Mommy step-by-step instructions on how to get around on the NYC subway.

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