Uncle Wade’s Head is Oh, So Cool!

This past weekend, we (GongGong, PoPo, Uncle Wade, Mommy & Daddy) went to eat with YiMa for her birthday.  (We won’t tell how old YiMa is this year.)   After dinner, Uncle Wade put me on his shoulder and I had the most unusual experience…touching Uncle Wade’s buzz haircut.  I had never felt anything so spikey! 

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My Many Words

For documentation purposes, Mommy think that I ought to write the words I know how to say.  Mommy can see that I am learning at a fast pace now and it seems that everyday, there is something “new” I’ve learned how to to do. 

For now, these are the words I can say:

– Mama.  When I want something, I say “mama.”  It doesn’t mean that I know who Mama is.

–  Dada.  Sometimes I know who Dada is.

–  Baba.  (Mandarin version of Dada).  Again, sometimes I know who this is.

– GongGong.  I’ve only said this a few times, but I think I know who this is.

– Tu To.  This means “turtle” and I definitely know what these are!

– Nei Nei.  It sounds like “milk” in Mandarin, but I don’t mean milk when I say it.  It usually means I am frustrated because you won’t give me what I want.

– NaNa.  Mommy & Daddy are still not sure what I want when I say this.

I have also mimicked GongGong, PoPo, Mommy and Daddy when they have said the names of fruit and vegetables to me.  While they are not perfect pronunciations, it is obvious that I am trying to copy the sounds and my attempts make everyone giddy!