I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream

So Mommy was taking something out of the freezer today when I caught a glimpse of something yummy…ice cream!  I started saying “bing bing” which is ice in Mandarin as my word for ice cream.  Mommy couldn’t resist and gave me a small scoop of Edy’s Spumoni ice cream.  It is Daddy’s favorite and now it’s mine too.  I especially like the cherry part because it contains nuts.

After Mommy was nice enough to give me a scoop, I wouldn’t allow her to feed it to me.  I had to do it by myself.  See me in action:

Picasso in the Making

My new art studio arrived today.  Since Mommy had the day off, she assembled the studio.  Mommy was trying to find something more versatile and more multi-functional than a simple easel and lo and behold, she found it on Amazon (for a mere $49.99)!

Step2 Flip and Doodle Easel Desk with Stool

The easel folds down into a desk and there are lots of little bins to store things.  The stool adds to the effect.  And on the back, it’s even a book display shelf.

Step2 Flip and Doodle Easel Desk with Stool

I took an instant liking to this studio.  In fact, here I am working hard at my desk:

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Check out my drawings:

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Mommy thinks this one looks like a grasshopper…

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…and maybe a pink pine tree?