DC Aquarium

Well, I’d hate to break it to everyone, but what they say in the blogs and online reviews are true. 

The DC Aquarium is “not worth the $10 admission fee.”  The only reason why we thought it was semi-worth it was because Mommy & Daddy already bought membership for 1 year so we get unlimited use of both the DC and Baltimore Aquariums.  Now we have to get our money’s worth by going to the aquariums, but the truth is the the DC Aquarium is a small u-shaped place that is essentially the size of one exhibit at the Baltimore Aquarium.

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To be fair, there are two good thing about this museum:

1.  It isn’t crowded at all, so we could bring our strollers in (we had to check them at the Baltimore Aquarium) and there is plenty of room for me to sit front and center at each glass tank.

2.  It is located in DC so it takes almost no time to drive in.

Other than those reasons, I think I’d prefer the Baltimore Aquarium.

Praying for Japan

I thank my stars that I live in a part of the world where there are few, if any, significant natural disasters.  The world has turned their attention to the people of Japan where there is devastation due to the recent tsunami, earthquake, and subsequent nuclear radiation problems.

While my only face-to-face interaction with Japan has been strolling around Narita Airport during our recent flights to and from Taiwan, I have heard Mommy & Daddy talk about how much they love the country ever since their trip there in 2007…the people, the mannerisms, the technology, the food and just over all order in the society and its people.  While trying to abide by strict order and near-perfection has its downfalls, Mommy still considers it a role-model country to the U.S. in many respects. 

May Japan recover quickly from this disaster.  Mommy is praying for you.