I Love Puzzles!

Puzzles are probably one of the best (and cheapest) toys for kids.  As children, Mommy, Uncle Dedo and Aunt Ellie played with lots of puzzles and Legos in their time.  Mommy strongly believes that this is the key to developing “spacial relations” which is something that cannot be taught in traditional academics. 

Here I am playing with my first two puzzle sets.  One is a Melissa & Doug pegged puzzled with different numbers and shapes.  The other is a Melissa & Doug animal puzzle.  I think Mommy introduced me to the sets pretty early, about 12 or so months.

Riding a Tricycle

I thank Aunt Lang for getting me a Radio Flyer tricyle for my first birthday last year.  Although all I could really do then was just push the buttons to honk or signal I was turning, it is quickly becoming one of my favorite toys.

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Mommy & Daddy took me out on our raceway (i.e. driveway) and had me practice.  I really didn’t understand the concept of “riding” a bike and it’s really more like Mommy & Daddy “pushing” my bike.  Daddy insisted that I keep my feet on the pedals which I really didn’t understand.  “Why keep my feet there and have it get all tangled in the pedals when I am moving (pushed by Mommy or Daddy) anyway?”  Ah…yes!  So much to learn…

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Finally, I just decided that it may just be more fun to push the bike too…

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