Easter Egg Hunts x 2

I really, really like hunting for eggs.

Hunt #1: My first hunt was on Good Friday at a local Fairfax County-sponsored event at Fairfax High School. Mommy and my nanny took me there because Daddy had to work.

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Here I am waiting patiently before the hunt…

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Here I am showing off the eggs I found!

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The hunt was over in 2-3 minutes because so many people attacked the eggs. I felt lucky to have gotten a few.

Hunt #2: The day before Easter, we went to Cherry Hill Park in Falls Church. This hunt was more friendly and Mommy felt like she could breathe and actually watch me enjoy myself.

Here I am waiting for the hunt to begin. See all the loot behind me?

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During the hunt, I was super-duper happy I found a lollipop. That made my day.

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Showing off my basket…

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Mission accomplished. Now I can finally eat my lollipop.

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Maybe next year (or next few years), I’ll be fortunate enough to go to the White House Easter Egg Roll! Happy Easter, everyone.

Here’s video of me in action during the hunt.

(Disclaimer: My Mommy was allowed to help.)

NYC Trip Part 5: My Neverending Battle with Haircuts

It’s a big secret where Uncle Dedo goes to get his haircuts. 

But…let me give you a hint…it’s located on Doyers Street.

Well, Uncle Dedo let me in on his little secret and introduced me to his hair stylist who gave me a haircut costing $5.  It’s a bargain compared to the $18 hair cut Mommy paid for me one time at her stylist’s place, but not as good as the $2-3 haircut in Taiwan!

I was my usual self and was really, really upset that I had to get a haircut…and this time, in front of a huge audience of Uncle Dedo, Aunt Holly, Aunt Ellie, Uncle Wade, Mommy & Daddy.   The moment Mommy held me and sat down in the chair, I started to cry.  Mommy was hoping the lady would just use scissors, but the lady asked if she could use the clipper since I was already crying.  Mommy agreed, hoping to put me out of my misery sooner rather than later.

Thanks to Aunt Ellie, the whole 9 minutes of “torture” was recorded.  Daddy says I should spare you the torture caught on film, but wants you to know that it’s on his hard-drive in case one day I misbehave…

Let’s just say, after the torture chamber was over, I was given a Chupa Chup lollipop and that made me instantly better!  Yes, instantly better!  In fact, so much better that I could smile and pose for a photo with my Uncle Dedo (after both of us got haircuts).  Uncle Dedo says he would gladly give me a 25 cent lollipop to buy peace and quiet from me.

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Mommy felt so badly for the poor lady who had to cut my hair.  I probably scared off many clients during those 9 minutes.  At least Uncle Dedo tipped her well to make up for my hysteria.

Thanks for my haircut, Uncle Dedo!  I promise you can take me blind-folded to the place when I grow older so I won’t reveal your secret.


I’ve saved the absolute best for last…Daddy wore mismatched shoes the whole time while we were in NYC.  We left so early the morning that Daddy didn’t realize what he had done until we arrived at Aunt Ellie’s place.  Here’s the proof thanks to Aunt Ellie: