
…my second pet (even though it only lasted a couple of hours)!

Mommy found two frogs sitting in plant pots filled with a bit of rain water on our deck last week. Frogs tend to like this place on our deck and Mommy has seen her share of frogs hanging out in the pots. This time, though, it was a bit different because I happen to LOVE frogs. So, Mommy enlisted the help of my nanny to catch the frogs for my enjoyment.

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Pictured here is only one of the two frogs because one of them escaped before we could take a decent photo, but trust me, there were two!

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I was pointing out where the frog’s tummy was.

Shortly after these photos were taken, the second frog jumped out and escaped. It’s just as well because Mommy has no idea how to care for frogs.

Dancing King…

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Well, since I can’t be a “dancing queen,” Mommy has dubbed me the “dancing king.”
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We drove to New Hope, Pennsylvania today to attend Aunt Lily’s wedding.  It was a beautiful B&B with lots of greenery.  The theme was “birds, eggs & nests” which is appropriate metaphorically on many levels.

Visiting the gardens before the wedding:

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Here I am eating fruit at the cocktail hour.  (Thanks to Uncle Wade for lovely photo!)

The best part about the wedding was meeting my cousins, Mia & Celine who came up from Florida.  They are Aunt Shirley’s girls and unfortunately, they moved from NYC after Celine was born 4 years ago, so I never go the chance to meet them.  They were great big sisters because they watched “Finding Nemo” with me and they fed me french fries.

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(Thanks to Uncle Wade for capturing me pigging out on two fries!)

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After dinner, we got a little crazy on the dance floor.

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Mommy & Daddy were suprised by how many moves I had…