Daddy’s Pick

Daddy has never been one to care too much about clothing, but one day a couple of months ago, we went to the Saks Fifth Avenue Outlet at Leesburg and Daddy fell in love with an outfit.  Yes, an outfit.  An outfit for me.  I never thought there would be the day when he literally dragged Mommy back into Saks to buy this outfit for me.  He wouldn’t leave the store without it even though Mommy tactfully try to reason with him that I would probably outgrow this outfit very quickly and would probably only wear it once or twice.  These so-called “words of wisdom” didn’t matter to Daddy.  He just wanted the outfit. 

“What’s so special about this outfit?”  you ask.  Well, Mommy can only venture to guess that Daddy likes it because:  1.  It’s a Puma/Ferrari athletic two-piece outfit and all guys like anything “Ferrari,” 2.  It looks so sporty that Daddy can imagine me as a race car driver.  3.  It’s bright orange and complements my complexion?

One thing is for sure…it’s certainly not because of  the *bargain* basement price of $21.00 + tax, but Daddy probably found that the price was justifiable because Mommy used her 30% off coupon for the purchase.

Well, see for yourself.  This is what I look like in the first outfit Daddy picked out for me.

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Let’s hope I get to wear it another 5 times to make it somewhat worth the money.