Uncle Dedo & Auntie Holly’s Visit

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To my surprise, Uncle Dedo and Auntie Holly paid me a little visit this weekend. 

We weren’t quite sure if they would actually come because Uncle Dedo says he’s always “banking” and works crazy hours, but they made it in the wee hours of early Saturday morning.  Maybe one day Uncle Dedo will clarify what exactly he does when he’s so-called “banking.”

Believe it or not, this is the first time Uncle Dedo has ever held me in his arms.  Yes, the first time in the nearly 4 months I’ve been in this world.  Mommy and Daddy were in such disbelief that they had to take a photo to remind them that it actually happened.  See?  I’m actually smiling at Uncle Dedo.  Not bad for a first-timer, Uncle Dedo!

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Here’s a photo of Auntie Holly holding me.  She’s always been much more experienced at holding me than Uncle Dedo and she’s been holding me since birth.  You’re a natural, Auntie Holly! 

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Uncle Dedo & Auntie Holly also got me a park ranger outfit complete with a little stuffed animal moose from their trip to Alaska.  I’ll debut it when I’m 12 months old because it’s still a little too big for me.  Mommy says it’s going to be my Halloween costume NEXT year…that is, if I can still fit into it at 16 months.

A Rare Tummy Time Moment…When I’m Actually Smiling!

I don’t like tummy time. 

Mommy and Daddy don’t understand it and keep trying to put me on my tummy on a daily basis.  They keep saying something about strengthening my neck muscles, but  I think my neck muscles are strong enough, for goodness sake! 

See for yourself:

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This is one of the few moments when I enjoyed tummy time…all for about 5 seconds…before I started crying again.  Mommy and Daddy are persistent and still try to entice me to stay on my tummy by putting on music and giving me cool things to look at.  Aunt Gi even got me the coolest jungle-themed tummy time mat.  I give them all points for effort, but is it possible to just bypass tummy time and go straight to crawling?