Mommy’s Strolls

Mommy has noticed a theme to Daddy’s photos. 

Daddy likes to take photos of Mommy from behind. 

Mommy’s favorite is this one taken at Huntington Beach, California in October 2008.  (This is probably TMI, but I was probably conceived on this day.)

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Daddy took this one recently in Paris.  It looks like it should belong in an archive somewhere, but rest assured, it was taken last month.  Of course Mommy has already delivered me by then.  🙂

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Paris Trip: Eiffel Tower

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The symbol of Paris was unlike what Mommy and Daddy remembered during their first trip to Paris about 13 years ago. 

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 Not only is it a rather intricate metal structure by day, they didn’t recall that there was a daily light show at night where the Eiffel Tower changes color to the rhythm of music heard below the tower. 

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View from  Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Paris, commonly known as Sacré-Cœur Basilica in Montmartre.

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