Dancing King…

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Well, since I can’t be a “dancing queen,” Mommy has dubbed me the “dancing king.”
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We drove to New Hope, Pennsylvania today to attend Aunt Lily’s wedding.  It was a beautiful B&B with lots of greenery.  The theme was “birds, eggs & nests” which is appropriate metaphorically on many levels.

Visiting the gardens before the wedding:

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Here I am eating fruit at the cocktail hour.  (Thanks to Uncle Wade for lovely photo!)

The best part about the wedding was meeting my cousins, Mia & Celine who came up from Florida.  They are Aunt Shirley’s girls and unfortunately, they moved from NYC after Celine was born 4 years ago, so I never go the chance to meet them.  They were great big sisters because they watched “Finding Nemo” with me and they fed me french fries.

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(Thanks to Uncle Wade for capturing me pigging out on two fries!)

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After dinner, we got a little crazy on the dance floor.

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Mommy & Daddy were suprised by how many moves I had…

Easter Egg Hunts x 2

I really, really like hunting for eggs.

Hunt #1: My first hunt was on Good Friday at a local Fairfax County-sponsored event at Fairfax High School. Mommy and my nanny took me there because Daddy had to work.

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Here I am waiting patiently before the hunt…

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Here I am showing off the eggs I found!

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The hunt was over in 2-3 minutes because so many people attacked the eggs. I felt lucky to have gotten a few.

Hunt #2: The day before Easter, we went to Cherry Hill Park in Falls Church. This hunt was more friendly and Mommy felt like she could breathe and actually watch me enjoy myself.

Here I am waiting for the hunt to begin. See all the loot behind me?

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During the hunt, I was super-duper happy I found a lollipop. That made my day.

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Showing off my basket…

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Mission accomplished. Now I can finally eat my lollipop.

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Maybe next year (or next few years), I’ll be fortunate enough to go to the White House Easter Egg Roll! Happy Easter, everyone.

Here’s video of me in action during the hunt.

(Disclaimer: My Mommy was allowed to help.)