I’m All Giggles

To Mommy and Daddy’s delight, I’m actually starting to giggle now.   Not just  smile, but a hardy little giggle.

Mommy and Daddy have been trying to catch me during one of my giggle episodes with a video camera, but I prove to be too elusive for them!  I won’t even let them catch me babbling with them.  I see the video camera coming from a mile away and I’ll pretend I don’t know how to babble or smile.  Even Daddy tried to be tricky to film me by hiding the camera, but it didn’t work.

Haha, Daddy.  Nice try, but I’ve got super instincts.

Note to Reader:  Since Mommy’s post, Daddy has caught me giggling.  See clip below.  Daddy used his iPhone to tape this when I was least suspecting, so congratulations, Daddy, you caught me!

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