Uh-Oh! I Might Be Following in Aunt Gi’s Footsteps!

The day after Christmas, we went to YiMa and YiGong’s house for dinner again and Mommy was beside herself when she saw YiGong offer me a can of Coke, but she is even more surprised to see that I actually liked the can of Coke and was going through the motion of trying to drink it.

See me in action:

[kaltura-widget wid=”uut5rbhx68″ width=”410″ height=”364″ addpermission=”2″ editpermission=”3″ /]

Oh, no!  Mommy hopes I’m not developing an addiction to Coke like Aunt Gi.

Of course, Mommy rationalized that I probably liked the Coke because it was refrigerated and the cooling sensation felt good against my gums.  Also the Coke can is bright red…which also stimulates my eyes.  Yes, Mommy, just keep telling yourself that’s why I like Coke…the colors and the cooling sensation.

Forget About Flipping Houses…BoBo’s Flipping Too!


I’ve finally accomplished another major physical milestone…flipping.  Mommy was very concerned because I haven’t flipped yet and it’s something I am supposed to do between 4-6 months.  In fact, she was just conversing with her colleague about it today and debating whether or not she should address the issue with the pediatrician.  Then, lo and behold, when Mommy came home, I performed my first flip for her.

Just as the books say, I should flip from tummy to back first.  As of now, I cannot flip from back to tummy yet.  Maybe I’ll surprise Mommy again when she threatens to consult my pediatrician.

See my flip: 

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