How I Attracted Quite a Crowd

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Question:  Guess why all these people are gathered around?

Answer:  They are all watching me take a bath in YiMa’s kitchen sink!

Can you believe it?!  It’s quite funny that something so ordinary such as taking a bath can attract such a crowd, but I guess it can if:  1.  You are a baby, 2.  Someone lets you take a bath in their kitchen sink, and 3. You fit in the kitchen sink.

I don’t know how it happened, but somehow, after Christmas dinner, Mommy went through the motions of getting me ready for a bath and before she knew it, a crowd had gathered to see me do the most ordinary of everyday things:  taking a bath.  Oh, and it probably was a bonus that they got see my fat rolls.

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Uncle Dedo using his new Canon camera to get in on the naked action.

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A big shout out to Uncle Wade for shooting these awesome photos of my naked butt.

Daddy says next time, he’s going to charge a “viewing fee” for anyone who wants to watch me take a bath.  One dollar per person per view.  Five dollars per person to touch my fat rolls.  Yes, my Daddy, the businessman.   Good thinking, Daddy.  Way to exploit me. 

Don’t worry, if Daddy starts charging people, you can always replay this video to watch me splashing away for free.   (Of note, on December 20th, I learned how to sit, only two days after I rolled over.  My milestones are happening in spurts.)

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I’m Swimming (Rather Floating)!

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PoPo got me this very cool floating device called “Mambo Baby” from Taiwan.  Daddy saw it on YouTube and specifically asked PoPo to get it for me.  It costs about $10 USD.

This inflatable circle gets placed around my neck and it enables me to float.

See me in action in my bathtub.  Daddy got so excited seeing me have so much fun that he also jumped in the tub with me.  Don’t worry, you’ll only see me in the video.  Not my nude Daddy.  🙂

Also, please don’t blackmail me with this footage when I’m an adult.  Thanks.

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