Visiting My BFF

In case you don’t know, CoCo is my BFF.  She is Aunt Gi’s daughter and is almost exactly 1 year older than me, but we seem to get along.

Mommy and Daddy took me over to CoCo’s house this past weekend and CoCo introduced me to Gerber Puffs (sweet potato flavor).  Mommy tried to feed these to me before, but I choked on them.  On a second attempt this weekend, I actually ate them!  In fact, CoCo fed them to me and I had no problems eating them.

See video of CoCo feeding me:

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Just before we went home, CoCo also gave me a fist bump and hugged me.  It’s my first hug from a girl (other than Mommy and my caretakers).

See CoCo and I giving each other a fist bump and hug:

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Feeding Myself

Mommy and Daddy introduced me into the world of delicious foods this past weekend.  They ventured to Whole Foods again and bought exactly one organic gala apple and one organic sweet potato.   The bill was $1.20.  (Mommy and Daddy hardly ever buy anything organic, but they are willing to “splurge” a little for me.)  After taking the produce home, Mommy and Daddy pureed them and put them into little containers so that I can explore other food besides cereal and Baby Mum Mum.   It’s not surprising that I actually like apples and sweet potato.  Which kid doesn’t like sweet things?

My ability to eat with a spoon is improving day by day.  The tongue thrust is now only partially there and I now know when to open my mouth.  Mommy and Daddy found that I actually eat better with a spoon when I hold the spoon and attempt to “feed” myself.  Just holding the spoon gives me a sense of independence and gives Mommy and Daddy a little insight into my personality.

See me trying to feed myself:

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