More Giggles at Bath Time!

Bath time has been one of my greatest enjoyments since birth and nothing’s changed!

This bath tub used to be an overwhelming pool of water for me, but now it’s fitting my size quite well.  I also have lots of cool bath toys, including a set of Munchkin turtles given to me by Auntie Jo and Uncle Ken.


Here’s me, giggling again while getting splashed with water:

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Giggling from Tickling

So, as things turned out, I am quite ticklish.

I know that some kids are just naturally NOT ticklish at all, but Mommy thinks it’s a good thing because it’s the surest way to get me to giggle.  Mommy slowly discovered that I am ticklish by test-poking me in different places or blowing air on me.

I am ticklish under my armpits, but I am pretty much ticklish just about everywhere when you blow air or nibble on my tummy, my feet and on my neck.  You’ll see how I giggle when Mommy nibbles on my neck in the video.

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