I Know How to Clap!

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So out of the blue this past weekend, I learned how to clap. 

Being able to clap comes about from a series of progressive hand developments from clasping the hands tightly as a newborn, to slowly opening the hands, to being able to grab things with hands, to passing things from one hand to the other and relaxing the hands enough to clap.  I can even clap on demand when Mommy & Daddy tell me to, “pai pai shou” (clap hands in Mandarin). 

Now, if only I know who or what “Dada” and “Mama” are…

Meeting Timmy

Meet my new friend, Timmy who is 16 months old. Timmy’s parents are Aunt Phuong (Mommy’s college roommate & Mommy’s dentist) and Uncle Charlie (Daddy’s dentist).  We went over to Timmy’s house on 2/20/10 for his sister, Tiffany’s 3rd birthday party.  As usual, Mommy and Daddy were stuffed with all of the delicious Vietnamese food.  Timmy also had the most awesome pandan coconut birthday cake.  Yummy!  Too bad it’ll be a few more months before I can eat cake. 

Mommy and Daddy think Timmy is quite cute.  Here’s Timmy and I playing with his Exersaucer…before he walks out on me!

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