Sliding Down the Slide

Ever since GongGong and PoPo arrived to stay with us, they have been taking me to the local playground almost everyday.  At first, I was a little nervous about going down the slide, but now, I insist on going down the slide…the long slide, not the short one on the other side of the playground.  At the end of my slide runs, I would recline and look up at the sky in pure delight.  Mommy thinks it’s odd that I do that since most kids would just hop off the slide anxiously to go down the slide again.  I guess I just like to take my time to “smell the flowers.”

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Slide from cadenpeng on Vimeo.

NYC Video 2: Aunt Ellie & Me

While lounging around in Uncle Dedo’s apartment, I decided to play with Aunt Ellie and her fabulous long hair.  As most people know, I have a thing for long hair.  I play with Mommy’s hair all the time.  I know that whatever “pain” I caused her was easily forgotten by the big smooch I gave her at the end.  You see? I know how to please the ladies!

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Untitled from cadenpeng on Vimeo.