My First Fettish: Cleaning

GongGong, PoPo, Daddy & Mommy all noticed that I have a knack for cleaning.

When I started to get my pincer grasp, I would pick up little hairs and the smallest pieces of trash from the floors around the house.  After I picked up the trash, I would hand it to the nearest adult and have it thrown in the garbage.  As I grew, I noticed that my nanny would clean the floors everyday with the Swiffer and vacuum the carpet.  I was fascinated with the Swiffer and the vacuum. They are such cool elongated tools that sweep all around the floors in unpredictable ways.  My nanny would let me hold the Swiffer and let me sweep a few times just to appease me.  Mommy got wind of my interest and bought me my very own broom so I can walk around and clean the floors.

Thanks to GongGong for getting this wonderful footage of me, so you can see me in action.  I am a true professional…I even know to clean under the table and chairs!

The password to view the video is bobo

Cleaning from cadenpeng on Vimeo.

Maybe I have a calling in the cleaning field?  I think Mommy would be happy if I can just keep my room clean in the future.

Bobo and Balloon Fish

My friend, Timmy (son of Aunt Phuong and Uncle Charlie) had his 2nd birthday party today.  As always, Timmy’s parents know how to throw the best birthday parties.  Besides a whole smorgasbord of food and two birthday cakes, there was an amazing balloon lady who made the best balloon sculptures.  I requested a fish and check out what I got:

The password to view the video is bobo

Gone Fishing from cadenpeng on Vimeo.

This is the finished product:

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Mommy got her business card because she may be coming to my next birthday party!

Thanks to Aunt Phuong & Uncle Charlie!