Meeting Happy

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Happy is now 14.5 years old and although he has his share of ailments associated with age (arthritis, deafness, cataract, atrophy of muscles), he still gets excited about new things, i.e. ME!

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I am fearless next to this 60 pound dog.  I run my hands all over his fur and I don’t even care how close I get to his teeth.  Luckily, Happy has always been a gentle giant and wouldn’t hurt a soul.

By the end of our meeting, I think Happy was starting to warm up to me.  He even slept on my legs.

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Daddy Got a New Toy

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Daddy is up to his old tricks again.

Two days ago, a giant box came in the mail and as it turned out, Daddy upgraded his camera to a Canon 5D.  He seemed mighty proud of the new toy and tried to convince Mommy that the photos look oh, so much better.  But is it really THAT much better?  Maybe you be the judge.

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