My First Pair of Shoes


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So, even though I can’t walk unassisted yet, Daddy bought me my first pair of shoes last weekend.  Daddy couldn’t resist when he found this really cool pair of shoes from H&M.  The price is also right up Daddy’s alley at $6.95 plus tax.

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Daddy put the shoes on me right away and I must say, I don’t understand the concept of shoes yet.  I tried to shake and pull those darn things off, but they just won’t come off.  Eventually, I got used to them being on my feet, but I  still don’t quite understand why I need them.

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Speaking of feet, the other thing Mommy & Daddy have started to notice is that I have small feet.  As a 10 month-old boy, I probably have the feet size of a 6 month-old.  PoPo and GongGong says it’s in the Peng family genes.  I hope having small feet doesn’t mean other parts of my body will be compromised, if you know what I mean.  🙂

Pomelo Hat

Mommy remembered when she was a kid in Taiwan, A-ma would make these hats out of the skin of grapefruits for fun.  Usually, this would occur during the night of the Full Moon Festival because that’s when traditionally these grapefruits are consumed. 

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Well, even though it’s not any time near the Full Moon Festival, Mommy couldn’t resist and made me a hat from a pomelo.  I didn’t like the pomelo on my head, so I tried my hardest to shake it off.  At least Daddy was able to snap a focused shot in between my shaking.