Taiwan Trip: International Flora Expo

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The International Flora Expo this was held in Taiwan this year.  Because word got around that it is a pretty amazing place with multiple worthwhile venues, all of us made the trip to go.  The exposition was really huge with four major sites.  We only made it to three of the four sites.

It would probably take several days to finish all of the sites.  Since it was not possible to go to every site, we visited some highlights:

1. Expo Dome where flowers were used to make the rainbow on the roof of the dome.

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2.  Flower Landscape where the poinsettias seem neverending.

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3. The EcoARK exhibit where the structure was the largest one ever made from PVC bottles.

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4.  Pavillion of Culture with intricate paper-cutting artwork.

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5.  Global Garden area where each country displays their exhibit.  One of the most artistic is Taiwan’s exhibit.

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6. Pavillion of Angel Life where daily living in Taiwan was displayed from growing rice and veggies, harvesting eggs, and raising farm animals.

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We couldn’t get through the whole Expo, but what we saw was beautifully-executed.  Impressive display of what the people of Taiwan can do!

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Taiwan Trip: Visiting Liang Relatives



Mommy has always credited her A-ba Mei with a major role in molding her into who she is today, both intellectually and emotionally.  That is all because A-bei Mei raised Mommy for the first three years of Mommy’s life…now medically considered the most important years.  It is because of this reason that Mommy always make a point to spend some time with her A-ba Mei whenever she goes to Taiwan. 

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Here’s me posing with my cousin, Xenia (Mommy’s A-ba Mei’s son’s daughter…whew!).  She is cool and internet-savy, so she’ll be the link from her family in Taiwan to my blog.

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Always a group photo to end the visit…

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Regretably, because of my existence and because we lived in Zhong Li this time with GongGong and PoPo, Mommy was not able to visit her A-ba Mei a second time.