McLean Day!

Mommy & Daddy took me to McLean Day yesterday and it was SO much fun!



All of the activities and rides for kids are free.  Even though I am really too small to participate in the “thrill” rides, the best part of the day was  riding a pony for the first time.  Mommy thought that I might be scared because the pony is so much larger than I am, but I happily hopped on the horse and rode for two laps.

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I also got a cool tattoo of a frog.  Of course, it’s only temporary.

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I also got to jump on a fire truck to play around.  They even gave me another fire fighter’s hat, but you know I don’t like hats, so I wouldn’t wear it.


…my second pet (even though it only lasted a couple of hours)!

Mommy found two frogs sitting in plant pots filled with a bit of rain water on our deck last week. Frogs tend to like this place on our deck and Mommy has seen her share of frogs hanging out in the pots. This time, though, it was a bit different because I happen to LOVE frogs. So, Mommy enlisted the help of my nanny to catch the frogs for my enjoyment.

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Pictured here is only one of the two frogs because one of them escaped before we could take a decent photo, but trust me, there were two!

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I was pointing out where the frog’s tummy was.

Shortly after these photos were taken, the second frog jumped out and escaped. It’s just as well because Mommy has no idea how to care for frogs.