Meeting New Friends

Mommy introduced me to toys Auntie Ellie knitted for me.  They were made for ME, but Mommy has kept them on her nightstand as prized possessions.  Auntie Ellie knitted an orange monster and a purple elephant.  Mommy did a little experiment on me and it is true that I like bright colors that are contrasting!  You can see that I am interested in the orange monster, but didn’t really notice the purple elephant.

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Mommy has one last toy in store for me knitted by Auntie Gi.  I have to be a little bit bigger to be able to drag it on the floor as Aunt Gi designed it to do.

These are the three toys Mommy cherishes:

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I Got Bullied.

I spent Saturday with Mommy, Daddy, Auntie Ellie and Uncle Wade shopping for Uncle Wade’s curtains for his new townhouse.  We then went to eat pho together.  I realized that being in a pho restaurant made my beloved Peg Perego carseat stink.  It’s a small sacrifice for something so yummy.  I’m thinking I’d better grow teeth soon so I can try some.


All this time together was nice, but Auntie Ellie and Uncle Wade totally made fun of me and I can’t even defend myself!  Auntie Ellie said I had a “muffin top” above the waistband of my pants.  Uncle Wade said that I had “cankles” and a “muffin top” on my feet.  I don’t know which of them said it, but one of them said that I had an extra fold in my forearm where there shouldn’t be an extra fold.  All of this boils down to one thing — I’m chubby.

Mommy didn’t seem concerned about these not-so-subtle hints that I’m fat.  In fact, she seemed rather proud that others were noticing my chubs  —  it meant that her breastmilk is indeed, good stuff!  She figured that all I eat is breastmilk and since babies stop eating when they are no longer hungry, it’s all normal.  It’s healthy fat (if there is such a thing.)