Bossie & I

Bossie and I have a love-hate relationship. Sometimes I pet her nicely. Sometimes I like to whack her to get her to growl at me. For the most part, I just love to torture her.

Mommy caught this rate moment when Bossie and I are actually co-habitating well. I am even reading a book to Bossie who probably thought it was awfully suspicious that I was being nice to her.



Music Together


After much research, Mommy found me the perfect Music Together teacher, Brieanne. She is young and very pretty. She also has the most amazing voice. From the first time I saw her, Daddy knew I’d like the class because of her.

In the class, we sing Music Together songs and play with musical instruments. We even pretend we are cows (see above photo) and make cow noises.

The class is only for ten weeks, but I have a feeling Mommy will be signing me up for more classes with Brieanne.