My First Pair of Shoes


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So, even though I can’t walk unassisted yet, Daddy bought me my first pair of shoes last weekend.  Daddy couldn’t resist when he found this really cool pair of shoes from H&M.  The price is also right up Daddy’s alley at $6.95 plus tax.

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Daddy put the shoes on me right away and I must say, I don’t understand the concept of shoes yet.  I tried to shake and pull those darn things off, but they just won’t come off.  Eventually, I got used to them being on my feet, but I  still don’t quite understand why I need them.

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Speaking of feet, the other thing Mommy & Daddy have started to notice is that I have small feet.  As a 10 month-old boy, I probably have the feet size of a 6 month-old.  PoPo and GongGong says it’s in the Peng family genes.  I hope having small feet doesn’t mean other parts of my body will be compromised, if you know what I mean.  🙂

Daddy Lowered My Crib Mattress Just in Time!

Mommy & Daddy found me standing up in my own crib this morning…at exactly 10 months-old!

All the textbooks say that one day mommies and daddies will find their babies this way, but Mommy wasn’t sure when this would happen for me since I was so slow to crawl forward.  Even though Mommy was on her way out to work this morning, she stayed to watch me in action:

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Luckily, Daddy lowered my mattress a few weeks ago in anticipation of today.  Otherwise, my big head will definitely hit the floor.