Taiwan Trip: Visiting Liang Relatives



Mommy has always credited her A-ba Mei with a major role in molding her into who she is today, both intellectually and emotionally.  That is all because A-bei Mei raised Mommy for the first three years of Mommy’s life…now medically considered the most important years.  It is because of this reason that Mommy always make a point to spend some time with her A-ba Mei whenever she goes to Taiwan. 

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Here’s me posing with my cousin, Xenia (Mommy’s A-ba Mei’s son’s daughter…whew!).  She is cool and internet-savy, so she’ll be the link from her family in Taiwan to my blog.

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Always a group photo to end the visit…

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Regretably, because of my existence and because we lived in Zhong Li this time with GongGong and PoPo, Mommy was not able to visit her A-ba Mei a second time.

Taiwan Trip: Visiting a Family Farm


GongGong took me to visit YiPo’s farm.  To see a true family farm in the U.S. would typically require a drive to the rural country since none of our families have a farm in the U.S.

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The farm was chock full of vegetables, fruits and most importantly chickens.  In all of my trips to the zoo, I have never seen a chicken because they are usually not part of the usual animal-fare seen at zoos.  I guess they are considered too commonplace to have their rightful place at the zoo’s valuable real estate, but really, besides on the dinner plate, how commonplace is it to see live chickens running around? 

As soon as we arrived, YiPo released the chickens from their coop and the chickens were free to run around.  I was so amazed at how friendly they were, but I still nervous and holding onto my Mommy for my dear life.  You see, I am still a very cautious little boy when it comes to new situations.

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After visiting the chickens, we went into YiPo’s little house where I ate my first passionfruit.  It was yummy and a bit sour, just the way I like my fruit. 

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Being in the little house felt like I had gone back to a simpler way of life with only the basic necessities.  It was a neat feeling not just for me, but also for Mommy & Daddy.  Mommy couldn’t help but think that it felt a little like we were exploring with Huckleberry Finn.

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YiPo also picked fresh lemons from her tree.  These lemons look oddly different from the ones we find in the U.S., but to me, they are still fun toys. 

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