A Rare Tummy Time Moment…When I’m Actually Smiling!

I don’t like tummy time. 

Mommy and Daddy don’t understand it and keep trying to put me on my tummy on a daily basis.  They keep saying something about strengthening my neck muscles, but  I think my neck muscles are strong enough, for goodness sake! 

See for yourself:

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This is one of the few moments when I enjoyed tummy time…all for about 5 seconds…before I started crying again.  Mommy and Daddy are persistent and still try to entice me to stay on my tummy by putting on music and giving me cool things to look at.  Aunt Gi even got me the coolest jungle-themed tummy time mat.  I give them all points for effort, but is it possible to just bypass tummy time and go straight to crawling?

Check Out My New PJs


PoPo and GongGong got me these PJs from France.  They are the baby version of the adult PJs.  Mommy has never seen these sold in the U.S.  They are perfect for the colder weather we are getting here.  Hopefully I can wear these a little bit longer before I outgrow them too.

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Don’t make fun of me because I’m wearing pink. 

Don’t you know?  Only “real” men wear pink.