
Here I am wearing Aunt Holly’s UGGS! Mommy doesn’t own a pair of these trendy Australian boots, but when I laid eyes on Aunt Holly’s, I just had to try them on. Who can resist all that warm fuzziness?

By the way, so sorry for the 2 month hiatus of no new entries. Mommy had some issues to deal with, but now we are back with a vengeance.

How, you ask?

Well, my super computer whiz Daddy found a great new app that will allow Mommy and Daddy to write entries on the iPhone and also upload photos from the iPhone library directly. This saves a lot of time in trying unto upload photos and linking the photos to the entries. Way to go, Daddy!

Holidays at Gaylord National Harbor


Before it gets too far from the holidays, Mommy wanted to add this entry.

We spent New Years at Gaylord National Harbor because they have the annual ICE show. The ice characters were carved by workers from China and the color of the ice is amazing.

They had special blue coats we had to wear and we wore our own winter coats UNDERNEATH the blue coats, so you can imagine how cold it was. It got so cold in fact, that I had stopped talking. Imagine Mommy’s surprise when I stopped talking. We had to make a quit exit out to warm me up.




A view from our hotel room of the beautifully-decorated atrium.


The next morning, we had brunch Shrek-style!

We were welcomed with green juice and Shrek ears. Here are greenish Shrek waffles which were delicious.



They even had a green chocolate fountain!


I also met Puss in Boots and Fiona! No brunch can beat this one!
