Aunt Gi: The Balloon Artist

Aunt Gi has a new talent and Mommy is shamelessly trying to publicize her balloon-sculpting abilities. 🙂 If you need to hire a balloon artist, keep Aunt Gi in mind!

For my past couple of playdates with CoCo, Aunt Gi has given me original handmade balloon sculptures. The first one was a monkey climbing on a tree. Mommy regrets not taking a photo of it before it deflated, but while it’s not the same, here is a photo of something very similar to the one Aunt Gi sculpted:

Then, she sculpted a lobster for me (this is the actual one). Check out how authentic the claws are:

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The balloon sculptures are in addition to all the sweet snacks Aunt Gi always makes for us. I have to remind my Mommy to get with the program and see how real playdates are done!

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream

So Mommy was taking something out of the freezer today when I caught a glimpse of something yummy…ice cream!  I started saying “bing bing” which is ice in Mandarin as my word for ice cream.  Mommy couldn’t resist and gave me a small scoop of Edy’s Spumoni ice cream.  It is Daddy’s favorite and now it’s mine too.  I especially like the cherry part because it contains nuts.

After Mommy was nice enough to give me a scoop, I wouldn’t allow her to feed it to me.  I had to do it by myself.  See me in action: