My Many Words

For documentation purposes, Mommy think that I ought to write the words I know how to say.  Mommy can see that I am learning at a fast pace now and it seems that everyday, there is something “new” I’ve learned how to to do. 

For now, these are the words I can say:

– Mama.  When I want something, I say “mama.”  It doesn’t mean that I know who Mama is.

–  Dada.  Sometimes I know who Dada is.

–  Baba.  (Mandarin version of Dada).  Again, sometimes I know who this is.

– GongGong.  I’ve only said this a few times, but I think I know who this is.

– Tu To.  This means “turtle” and I definitely know what these are!

– Nei Nei.  It sounds like “milk” in Mandarin, but I don’t mean milk when I say it.  It usually means I am frustrated because you won’t give me what I want.

– NaNa.  Mommy & Daddy are still not sure what I want when I say this.

I have also mimicked GongGong, PoPo, Mommy and Daddy when they have said the names of fruit and vegetables to me.  While they are not perfect pronunciations, it is obvious that I am trying to copy the sounds and my attempts make everyone giddy!

My Mean Mommy

Imagine if you were so tired from playing and all you wanted to do was close your eyes and go to sleep…

…and someone won’t let you. 

Namely, your very own Mommy.

Yes, Mommy was trying to prevent me from sleeping because we were so close to arriving at home and she really wanted to me to take a bath first before I fell into slumber.

I must admit, I exhibited good attitude and wasn’t angry or anything.  In fact, you’ll see that I actually smiled when Mommy was trying to keep me awake.

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