Bobo and Balloon Fish

My friend, Timmy (son of Aunt Phuong and Uncle Charlie) had his 2nd birthday party today.  As always, Timmy’s parents know how to throw the best birthday parties.  Besides a whole smorgasbord of food and two birthday cakes, there was an amazing balloon lady who made the best balloon sculptures.  I requested a fish and check out what I got:

The password to view the video is bobo

Gone Fishing from cadenpeng on Vimeo.

This is the finished product:

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[singlepic id=576 w=320 h=240 float=none]

Mommy got her business card because she may be coming to my next birthday party!

Thanks to Aunt Phuong & Uncle Charlie!

Sliding Down the Slide

Ever since GongGong and PoPo arrived to stay with us, they have been taking me to the local playground almost everyday.  At first, I was a little nervous about going down the slide, but now, I insist on going down the slide…the long slide, not the short one on the other side of the playground.  At the end of my slide runs, I would recline and look up at the sky in pure delight.  Mommy thinks it’s odd that I do that since most kids would just hop off the slide anxiously to go down the slide again.  I guess I just like to take my time to “smell the flowers.”

The password to view the video is bobo

Slide from cadenpeng on Vimeo.