Pool in My Backyard?

Well, not exactly.


Mommy decided to buy me a little baby pool for the deck.  It’s a blue puffer fish and it’s just the right size with a little cover for me.  It’s $14.99 at Target.  Not a bad deal to entertain me for an hour or so.  Here’s what the pool looks like in its entirety:

Product Image

I spend about an hour or so everyday in my pool.   I even feel safe practicing my swimming moves.

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See how happy I am when the pool is shallow?

I even make PoPo go into the pool with me without any water. 

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Viva Vienna with GongGong and PoPo!

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Yup!  You guesss it…my GongGong and PoPo are here again and I couldn’t be happier!

They arrived earlier this week and this is the first weekend we had together.  Since their arrival, I’ve been noticeably happier because I get so much attention from everyone and PoPo cooks really yummy food for me (and all of us!).  However, everyone has noticed that I have been mistreating my nanny.  As soon as she arrives, I promptly tell her “bye bye” as if to say, “I’ve got my GongGong and PoPo here so, you can go home now.”  It irritates my nanny to no end, but hey, I’m being honest and I’m speaking my mind! 

We went to Viva Vienna three times this wekeend mainly because we didn’t plan to do much else.  I saw some children’s performances by Rocknoceros, Great Zucchini and Mr. Knick Knack, but I think my favorite is still Ryan Buckle. 

Besides getting my daily dose of Vitamin D and turning many shades darker despite loading me up with baby sun block, the best part of Viva Vienna are the free McDonald’s smoothies. (Wished my BFF, CoCo, could enjoy it with me, but CoCo’s Mommy would probably enjoy it more than all of us!)   There is a truck there which just gave out free smoothies all weekend long!

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Here I am enjoying the smoothie:

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