Something Else to Munch On…

Thanks to GongGong and PoPo who got me some brown rice crackers from Taiwan! 

I like them just as much as the Baby Mum-Mum.  Mommy & Daddy think they are kind of bland, but for babies like me, I think they are quite tasty.

Watch me enjoying one!

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Taking a Bath…With Another Boy!

Mommy & Daddy had dinner with Aunt Julie (super mom of three boys) yesterday and afterwards, everyone came over for a bath.  Matthew (the youngest of Aunt Julie’s three boys)  joined me in my bath tub.  I must admit, when Mommy first put me in the tub, I was shocked to see another boy in the tub with me.  Then, I kinda got used to the idea.  We had a good time parallel playing with my turtle toys. 

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Matthew is such a sweet boy and Mommy has developed a soft spot for him.  After I fell asleep, Mommy gave Aunt Julie some of her extra breast milk to feed Matthew because we didn’t have any whole milk in the house.  (Matthew just turned one and is drinking whole milk now).  It’s the first time Mommy has fed another child with her breast milk since she was turned down by the breast milk bank several months ago.  It’s a good feeling to be able to share breast milk!