One Year Later @ Cafe Atlantico

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It’s becoming a little tradition that during Restaurant Week in DC, Mommy and Daddy venture to Cafe Atlantico for some cheaper eats.  Last year, when I was about 3 months old, we went there with PoPo.  This year, it’s even better because GongGong and Aunt Fang-Ching came too. 

It’s also becoming another tradition that we order the mint drink at Cafe Atlantico.  PoPo doesn’t normally drink anything cold, but she got a mint drink so that we could take another photo of me 1 year later, “drinking” the same drink.

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(3 months old — obviously a photo illusion because I barely even know anything about the world)

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(15 months old — no longer any photo tricks. I am fully able to drink with a straw)

What a difference a year makes!  We’ll see what I can do next year!

Uncle Wade’s Head is Oh, So Cool!

This past weekend, we (GongGong, PoPo, Uncle Wade, Mommy & Daddy) went to eat with YiMa for her birthday.  (We won’t tell how old YiMa is this year.)   After dinner, Uncle Wade put me on his shoulder and I had the most unusual experience…touching Uncle Wade’s buzz haircut.  I had never felt anything so spikey! 

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