New Trick with a Popsicle Stick

Ah, yes!  I have developed quite a sweet tooth, especially for ice cream and popsicles.  Mommy really has to control my portions or I really start to get upset.  Over this past weekend, Mommy discovered that I can easily entertain myself with a popsicle stick.

See the neat trick I can do with it: 

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Fun Sprinklers at the Zoo

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The National Zoo is becoming a default place for Daddy to take me when there isn’t Mommy around.  This past weekend, GongGong and PoPo also came with us. 

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Daddy & me with a blurry panda in the background.

I saw some real life turtles this time.  Mommy and Daddy suspect that turtles may be my favorite animal or rather (amphibian).  I look forward to bathtime because of my many turtle bath toys.  I can also say “tu to” when I want my turtles.

There are also these really neat sprinklers at the zoo to keep everyone nice and cool.  I loved going through them. 

Here’s a funny shot of PoPo entertaining me in the sprinklers:

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Here is a clip of GongGong wheeling me through:

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Here’s one of me standing in the middle of it, enjoying myself:

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