Wrestling Match With My BFF

Our first wrestling match.  The first of many rounds.


CoCo and I met up a couple of weeks ago and somehow got into a little wrestling match!

From top left, row by row:

1.  You can see how we are sitting pretty.  CoCo sitting loosey-goosey in my Bumbo, while Mommy has to squeeeeeze me into the Bumbo.

2.  CoCo makes an attempt to hug me.

3.  I don’t want to be hugged and resist.

4.  CoCo is still trying to hug me.

5.  I whack my arm on CoCo’s face, hoping she’d get my message.  (BoBo scores 1 point.)

6.   She doesn’t give up and still tries to hug me.

7.  Finally, I agree to sit down beside CoCo.

8.  I thought CoCo was trying to hug me again…

9.  …but I get taken out when she whacks me down onto the mat!  (CoCo scores 2 points for the knock down.)

Round #1 Results:

CoCo: 2 points

BoBo: 1 point

CoCo wins!

CoCo meant no harm, but I cried my heart out like a little baby.  Even when CoCo said goodbye to me, I cried.  Luckily, Mommy thinks my memory and grudge is only short-lived.  Next time I see CoCo, I’m sure we’ll still be BFFs.

Until next round, CoCo!

More Giggles at Bath Time!

Bath time has been one of my greatest enjoyments since birth and nothing’s changed!

This bath tub used to be an overwhelming pool of water for me, but now it’s fitting my size quite well.  I also have lots of cool bath toys, including a set of Munchkin turtles given to me by Auntie Jo and Uncle Ken.


Here’s me, giggling again while getting splashed with water:

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