My 6-Month Check-Up

I saw Dr. Gita Reddy again today for my 6-month check-up.  As always, she is always very nice to me and somehow she and Mommy always start talking “medical talk” which I don’t understand.

Good news is that I’ve grown…(I know what you’re thinking Aunt Gi, surpise…surprise…).  Mommy and Daddy thought I’d be over 20 pounds, but I’m just a little shy from that estimate.

My weight is 19 pounds, 7 ounces (82% tile).

My height is 27 inches (73% tile).

My head circumference is 18 inches (92% tile).

The head circumference is little on the high side.  I know I have a big head, but I heard Mommy and Dr. Reddy talking about how we need to watch my head size to make sure I don’t have hydrocephalus.  I thought having a big head was a good thing…but I guess not TOO big. 

I had three shots today too and now that my pain receptors are in full working order, the shots hurt like the dickens!  I cried and cried, but as soon as Daddy picked me up and hugged me, I was okay.  I think I’m pretty brave for getting three shots in my thigh.


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Forget About Flipping Houses…BoBo’s Flipping Too!


I’ve finally accomplished another major physical milestone…flipping.  Mommy was very concerned because I haven’t flipped yet and it’s something I am supposed to do between 4-6 months.  In fact, she was just conversing with her colleague about it today and debating whether or not she should address the issue with the pediatrician.  Then, lo and behold, when Mommy came home, I performed my first flip for her.

Just as the books say, I should flip from tummy to back first.  As of now, I cannot flip from back to tummy yet.  Maybe I’ll surprise Mommy again when she threatens to consult my pediatrician.

See my flip: 

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