I Got My First Letter…

…and no, it’s not a love letter. 

CoCo (c/o Aunt Gi) wrote me a letter today about our adventure over the weekend.  Remember how I lost miserably in Round #2 of our wrestling match?  Well, it’s really nothing serious.  Heck!  I didn’t even have any bruises or scratches or anything to show for the wrestling.  Mommy thought that the letter was rather amusing and thought I should share it with my blog readers:

Dear BoBo —

Mommy says that if I don’t write a letter of apology to you, then (1) I’m gonna get another time-out and (2) I’m not gonna be able to have another playdate with you anytime in the near future.  So here it goes, my heartfelt apology.  Sorry, BoBo. 

I’m sorry for the way I bullied you this past weekend.  I shouldn’t have forced you to crawl by pushing you down, to repeatedly put you in a choke hold, to give you a bear hug tighter than a bear, and to knock you down time and again.  Unfortunately, I still can’t appreciate my own strength and, as you’ve experienced first hand, I can get pretty darn aggressive.

BoBo, I sure do hope you understand that I didn’t mean to hurt you.  Although I can’t promise that I won’t do it again, I promise that I will try not to be as rough . . . or at least not until you’re able to defend yourself. 

So we’re cool, right?  Awesome!  Until next time, aza aza!

Your BFF,

It’s okay, CoCo!  You’re still my BFF.  I’m getting bigger by the day and one day, you’ll need to watch out!

Round #2 Wrestling Match with CoCo

I saw my BFF CoCo again this past weekend! 

Mommy not only gets to chat with Aunt Gi and Aunt Lang to catch up on each other’s lives, but I also get to see my BFF.  Aunt Gi always makes some kind of yummy goodness for all to enjoy.  This time, it was Mommy’s favorite, Choux Creme (cream puffs) with pistachio filling with pistachio pieces.  It was amazingly good…Aunt’s Gi’s best yet!  Too bad I couldn’t have any, but I saw my BFF eyeing them which could only mean that they must be darn good.   It’s ok that I didn’t get to have any because Mommy had three over a period of 3 hours which was enough for all of us combined.

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As if eating three weren’t enough, Aunt Gi gave Mommy six more to take home.  Mommy is rationing them to make sure she can enjoy them for the next week.  Mommy thanks you SO much, Aunt Gi!  (Thank goodness Mommy is still breastfeeding because she sure as heck isn’t burning these calories in other ways!)

The first thing I did at Aunt Gi’s house was to show everyone my crawling technique.  Even CoCo was proud of my accomplishments and wanted to “force” me to crawl.  See CoCo and me:

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We also had Round 2 of our wrestling match and I must say, I probably shouldn’t even be writing about this match because I lost pathetically.  🙁

Mommy, Daddy, and even CoCo’s Mommy (Aunt Gi) was surprised how CoCo can easily take me down.  CoCo’s moves are quite impressive.  She’ll wrap her arms around my neck or she’ll knock me on my head.  Here’s one video clip of CoCo’s wrestling moves:

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For those of you who think this video is rather innocuous, rest assured Daddy has many other clips that he is not allowing me to post on my blog.  Let’s just say CoCo is an experienced wrestler and I have some stiff competition ahead of me. 

Round #2 Results:

CoCo: 3 points

BoBo: 0 point

CoCo wins!

Someday I’ll catch up to CoCo..I know I will!