Visiting Annapolis

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Daddy really wanted to take me to the beach this weekend to let me experience playing in the sand, but because GongGong and PoPo had a prior engagement, we couldn’t venture too far away.  Instead, we went to nearby Annapolis, Maryland.  While is it has no sand and certainly no beach, it is still nice to visit a new place.  Even Mommy and Daddy have never visited there (other than to go to a vet there to adopt Bossie).

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Six Teeth in Toto!

In the mist of all this “busy-ness,”  Mommy forgot to mention that I sprouted another two teeth on the top.  That makes the total teeth count SIX (two on the bottom and four on top).  I am starting to chomp on other people’s fingers as a way to soothe my itchy teeth…and I have quite a bite!    It’s still hard to see my top teeth because for some reason, they don’t show when I smile.