Finally…Crawling Forward!

I accomplished another milestone this weekend…CRAWLING FORWARD!

Admittedly, Mommy was a bit worried since I’m almost 10 months-old with no signs of crawling forward, but boy, did I surprise her!

Mommy & Daddy think I was motivated by seeing Aunt Julie’s boys walking all around their house yesterday while I could only flip around and scoot on my bottom.  It’s true!  I decided to take a few crawls forward and it really had Mommy & Daddy excited.

Today, Mommy & Daddy made me do it again with the video camera rolling.  Granted, I’m not totally coordinated in my half-crawl, half-walk movements, but at least I’m moving forward.

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Watch out, Mommy & Daddy.  Time to baby proof the house!

Happy Birthday to My Favorite Aunts!

Happy Birthday to My Favorite Aunts!

My Aunt Ellie’s birthday was on April 16th and my Aunt Holly’s birthday is today!  One day, I’ll be able to sing happy birthday to you both, but now, you’ll have to settle for my “attempt” at singing.

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