So all of the pediatric books state that sometime betwen 18-23 months, there is an “explosion” of vocabulary. (The next “explosion” is set to happen sometime around age 3). During this time, toddlers should know (be able to say and/or identify) 50 words. Mommy had her doubts, but Daddy was convinced that I know more than 50 words.
Who won the bet?
Well, Daddy did.
Mommy & Daddy actually went through and listed all of the words I know. I know these in Mandarin, but not necessarily in English, but for the sake of simply, I’ll list the words in English:
- Grandma
- Grandpa
- Mama
- Daddy
- Aunt
- Uncle
- Brother
- Sister
- Eyes
- Mouth
- Ears
- Nose
- Teeth
- Tongue
- Hair
- Head
- Hands
- Feet
- Toes
- Butt
- Penis
- Stomach
- Belly button
- Knees
- Shoulders
- Go outside
- Sit
- Listen
- Play
- Walk
- Wipe
- Run
- Take
- Touch
- Hurt
- Well-behaved
- Kiss
- Hug/hold
- Sleep
- Spicy
- Hot
- Lie down
- Brush
- Comb
- Bath
- Smile
- Home
- Dirt
- Flower
- Shoes
- Pants
- Shirt
- Jacket
- Hat
- Glasses
- Light
- Bright
- Balloon
- Ball
- Rabbit
- Fish
- Shark
- Seahorse
- Whale
- Octopus
- Rhino
- Hippo
- Horse
- Bear
- Lion
- Dog
- Cat
- Mouse
- Chicken
- Elephant
- Penguin
- Duck
- Goose
- Frog
- Turtle
- Monkey
- Bee
- Bug
- Ant
- Pig
- Bird
- Fur
- Cone
- Shell
- Airplane
- Boat
- Moon
- Car
- Gently
- Hungry
- Dirty
- Milk
- Water
- Juice
- Egg
- Bread
- Strawberry
- Fruit
- Squash
- Broccoli
- Watermelon
- Vegetables
- Nuts
- Candy
- Ice cream
- Lollipop
- Blocks
- Book
- Diaper
- Lotion
- Blanket
- Peepee
- Poopoo
I may be forgetting to list a few words, but you get the idea…I know far more than 50 words!