Clemyjontri & Me

Mommy & Daddy took me to Clemyjontri Park again today to play on the swing.  I definitely enjoyed being on the swing more than last time.  Mommy was tasked me with making me swing higher and Daddy was tasked with what else?  Taking photos, of course!  Daddy did get some pretty nice shots of me in full action.

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If you look carefully, you’ll see that my eyes are actually red and poofy.  Mommy caught a very nasty flu this past week and was off work for 3 days because of it.  Mommy rarely calls in sick and had to do it because she felt so miserable.  I think I’m starting to get some of the symptoms of it starting with this yucky green discharge coming from both of my eyes causing it to be red and poofy.  Mommy’s not panicking yet, but if the symptoms persist for more than 48 hours, Mommy will be calling the Kaiser advice nurse again.

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Update:  Mommy emailed Dr. Lu and found out that I probably have allergies, hence the green discharge from my eyes.  Nothing serious, but I wonder what I am allergic to…