More Fun With Mirrors!

A few months ago, Mommy posted some photos of her holding me in front of a mirror (that was before I could sit).  Then, Mommy posted photos of me sitting in front of the mirror (that was before I could stand with support).  Now, see me standing while holding on to the mirror.

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Loving Donuts Already!

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Daddy had a craving for Dunkin’ Donuts last weekend and went to buy a whole box!  It’s probably been 10 years since Daddy has purchased an entire box of donuts.  The donuts look so cute that Daddy had me pose with them.  Of course I couldn’t resist and poked my fingers in some of the chocolate.  Mommy quickly cleaned off the chocolate, although not very cleanly.  If I happened to get a taste of chocolate, so be it! 

FYI.  Don’t worry.  Mommy and Daddy did not finish the whole box.  They “shared” it with some other friends.  🙂