Tooth #2, Food & Poop


I have grown a second tooth about 1 week after my first tooth.  This one adjacent to the first tooth.  For those of you who are asking to see my tooth (now teeth), so sorry, but I have not allowed Mommy to capture a photo or video of my teeth.  Every time I cry, Mommy pulls out her iPhone and threatens to take a video of my teeth to show everyone, but I never let her succeed. 

You’ll just have to see me in person and check out the teeth yourself!

Now that I have little teeth, Mommy has expanded my food choices.  In part, this is also because I am starting to give Mommy a really hard time when she tries to put that yucky pureed stuff in my mouth.  (You try eating that pureed stuff…it’s nasty!)  So, I forced Mommy to try new foods with me this weekend.  Mommy gave me:

– chunks of sesame bread

– goat cheese

– brie cheese

– roasted beet

– strawberries

– bananas

– macaroni & cheese

– pretzel

– lemons (Yes, you read this correctly.  Mommy had me suck on a lemon and you should see my little face pucker!)

I must say, I like the world of chunky foods much, much better.  From now on, Mommy’s mantra is, “Feed BoBo what we eat (so long as it’s not a choking hazard).” 

Incidentally, since Mommy started feeding me “table foods,” I did not have a bowel movement in 48 hours.  This completely disturbed Mommy, so she actually broke down and called the Kaiser Advice Nurse last night.  Believe it or not, it’s ok that at 9 months if I don’t have a bowel movement in one week!!!  This was very surprising to Mommy.  Well, Mommy was a worry wart for nothing because I woke her up this morning with the biggest poopy diaper I have ever generated since I was born! 

No need to worry, Mommy. 

My bowels are moving just fine.  🙂

Playing the Piano

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I had the pleasure of going to Aunt Lang’s piano recital yesterday.  Aunt Lang is Mommy’s friend from (gasp!) intermediate school.  (Together, Aunt Lang, Aunt Gi, and Mommy are like the best buddies from childhood. )  Anyway, Aunt Lang was the oldest performer (the average age being 9 years-old).  Nevertheless, big props to Aunt Lang for her courage in going up and performing. 

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Because the recital was at the Jordan Kitt’s piano store, it gave me the opportunity to play on a piano (rather, bang my hands on the piano).  It was such great fun that I ignored my Mommy calling me numerous times!  When it came time for the recital, Mommy & Daddy were just pleased that I was able to sit through at least Aunt Lang’s performance before they had to take me out of the recital room.

When I get bigger, Mommy will probably enroll me in piano classes and she is already considering piano teachers who can teach me.  Mommy has always regretted not being able to continue to take piano classes because of financial difficulties after A-ma immigrated to the U.S.  She’s hoping that she can somewhat “live” through me.